Compac counter flanges
Compac counter flanges are used to connect piping to a BPHE with DN Compac flange connections.

Compac screw on flanges
SWEP screw-on flanges are used to convert ISO-G threaded connections to weld neck DN Compac flanges.

COSD Connection for soldering
The soldering connection consists of a union nut, a gasket and a soldering sleeve.

COWD Connection for welding
The welding connection consists of a union nut, a gasket and a welding sleeve. They are available in carbon steel or stainless steel.

EPP Insulation
This insulation for heating applications consists of 2 half-shells and is made of expanded polypropylene. Due to the half-shell system, the assembly on the already installed heat exchanger is possible.

HVAC Insulation
HVAC insulation boxes for heating applications.

PU 50
PU 50 insulation boxes for heating applications.

REF Insulation
Insulation for refrigerant applications.

Support legs
We offer support legs for most of our brazed plate heat exchanger models to facilitate easy installation.

Wall mounting clamp
This type of mounting equipment allows a BPHE to be mounted on a wall, plate, etc. Wall mounting equipment is not affected by the plate pack (PP). Important: dimensions A and B are different from the BPHE's size (see table below).