SWEP brazed plate heat exchangers have all the vital qualities demanded by engine, train, and marine applications. Robust and compact, they offer long-term reliability with minimal maintenance. Their flexible design and our ability to customize both the plate and brazing materials bring unbeatable performance and lifetime cost compared with other technologies.
Vital qualities for many engine demands
SWEP heat exchangers have all the vital qualities demanded by engine, train, and marine applications.
Minimum maintenance to keep operations going
Robust and compact, our heat exchangers offer long-term reliability with minimal maintenance so that stops in transportation/operation stops are kept at a bare minimum.

Medium- and high-speed reciprocating internal combustion engines are most commonly equipped with a brazed plate heat exchanger oil coolers, though older technologies such as Shell & Tube are still used in some markets.

Brazed plate heat exchangers are commonly used to cool oil and water for engines, hydraulics, and accessories in locomotives in applications such as trams, subways, commuter trains, high-speed trains, cargo trains, and specialized industrial trains.

SWEPs marine-classified heat exchangers are suitable for a large variety of applications such as fuel oil heaters, oil coolers, cargo and comfort chillers.